An effective email marketing campaign can be an excellent marketing strategy. By providing a sign up form for your website visitors, you harness information. You are able to learn more about your customers and what they like and dis-like. Lets face it, everyone that visits your website does not necessarily purchase your products or service at that visit. They may return at various later times or never again. However, if they sign up for your newsletter, then there is an opportunity to convert them to a customer at a later date.
Email marketing campaigns keep you in the minds of your customers and potential customers. They give you the opportunity to tell them about news, new products, and just to make a connection. Just imagine if a potential customer went to your website and there was a product they wanted to purchase but it didn't fit their budget at that time. By keeping in touch with them through your email marketing campaign; when their budget does allow for that purchase, they have a quick link to your website and not one of your competitors.
Their are a couple of excellent services that can help you achieve great results if you decide to take on the challenge of an email marketing campaigns.
- Constant Contact--They provide email marketing, online surveys, and event marketing. They have become an industry buzz word, however, they can become a bit pricey. They tend to charge for extra pictures which get annoying and every service that I mentioned above also has an individual charge.
- Rate Point--This is the new kid on the block. They offer the same features as constant contact, however, they don't nickel and dime you for every little feature. When I am starting an email marketing campaign, I like to use them. The product is great and the customer service is even better.
One of the easiest and the simplest way to develop a good bonding with your customer is the email marketing campaigns. You have to redirect the traffic as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteYour post offers some really useful advices that I’ll certainly incorporate in my next email marketing campaign. email newsletter software is proved to be very effective and offer quit big return for the money invested.